Rooting Reflex
Fingers on bottom and top teeth
1. Place two fingers on bottom teeth and push down gently on teeth, expanding you jaw.
2. The gently push your teeth back up against your fingers

Repeat 5-6 times breathing out and counting to 7

1. Place two fingers on your top teeth and push up gently, pushing the head up and expanding the jaw.
2. Then gently push teeth down on teeth.
You can use gloves if needed.
Repeat 5-6 times and count to 7

Hand on Cheek
1. Place your hand on right hand side of your jaw & push it against your hand to the right. Inhale and count to 7.
2. Then push your hand to the left side of your body resetting the jaw to centre and turning your face to the left. Inhale and count to 7.
You can get someone to help you with this movement. 

Push fingers against cheek
1. Place two fingers on the cheek and push inwards and at the same time push your tongue against your fingers
2. Breathe Out hold this for 7 seconds before releasing
Repeat this 5-6 times.