Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex

Rocking body hands and feet
1. Lay facing down on the ground. Raise your head so that your chin is close to your chest and in-line with your spine
2. Move your arms so that your elbows are away from your body, and your hands are level with your shoulders, palms down and fingers outstretched.
3. Bring your feet up to 90 degrees with your toes tucked under.
4. Begin rocking rhythmically in a horizontal motion (head & toes).
Repeat this action for up to 2 minutes.

1. Lay down on the ground, facing up. Extend your legs out straight and move your arms above your head resting either side. Feet should be at a 90-degree angle to the body.
2. Stretch your left arm and leg away from your body. Ensure the point your toes downwards on this foot. Bring your arm and leg back to rest and repeat it on the right side of your body.
Repeat this action 4-6 times on both sides.

Eyes Tracking
1. Lay facing down on the ground. Raise your head and chest away from the ground. Palms should rest on the floor about 10cm in front of their head.
2. Looking at your left thumb, begin slowly moving your left arm outwards until its fully extended. Keep your eyes focussed on the thumb the whole time.
3. Slowly move your hand back to the starting position ensuring to focus your eyes on your thumb.
4. Then switch to the right-hand side and repeat these steps 3 times for each side.

Crawling keep toes on the floor
1. Lay facing down on the ground, bring your arms up under your head so that your forehead rests on your hands.
2. Pull your left leg up to be in line with your right knee.
3. Pushing your toes into the ground, then stretch this leg out straight, pushing away from the body.
4. Repeat this motion with the right leg.